Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2-Day Exit Strategies Training Workshop FREE Preview Call with Special Guest Bill Losey

Wed Feb 11 at 3pm EST I will be hosting a FREE call with my friend, and marketing guru, Bill Losey. Pinnacle's Exit Strategies Workshop is 38 days away and we are all very excited about this event and the new additions that will empower you to grow your advisory practice exponentially with this unique and valuable exit planning message.

On this call, you'll get a sneak preview of all the great educational and business building content we will be teaching at the upcoming Workshop on March 19-20 at the Westin Causarina, Las Vegas!

Remember, Pinnacle only hosts 2 events like this per year. Our next big event is not until October - so get involved today and make 2009 the year that you move your business ahead with the business owners who are waiting to hear from you.

Click here to register for the call.

Specializing in Business Exit Strategies, John M. Leonetti, Esq., M.S. Finance, CM&AA founded Pinnacle Equity Solutions to provide exit strategy planning services to business owners as well as education and training programs for professional advisors. To learn more about John's Exit Strategy Services and his recently published book, "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth", visit

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Rise of the Internal Transfers

So . . . what the corner office producer at Merrill Lynch knew, that few others were focusing on while the equities markets were in turmoil was rather simple and rather easy to share with those who would listen. He simply said 'buy bonds' (i.e. instead of fixating on the stock market which was a mess). It was that simple.

In a market environment where there was more risk in doing nothing, than in taking definite action, this experienced advisor simply said 'buy bonds'. What was behind this message was the notion that as advisors, we should not get too caught up in all the mess of the marketplace . . . simply 'buy bonds' - offer alternative solutions that are appropriate for the current market conditions.

What are appropriate exit planning recommendations for today's business owners? Well, instead of 'buying bonds' for their liquid assets - let's discuss an examination of 'internal transfers', instead of 'external transfers' as a viable (alternative) exit plan from the business.

First, let's take a look at why advice, such as 'buy bonds', is so difficult for advisors to hear? Well, I believe that many advisors believe it to be their role to get their clients as much return as they can . . . even if they are assuming the risks of the market. Buying bonds was not exciting and it did not require great analysis.

Investors, however, during those turbulent times were becoming less interested in a conversation regarding a return on their investment and were simply more interested in a conversation that focused on the return of their investment.

Now, panicky investors should not, necessarily, drive the investment decisions in a portfolio of liquid assets.

But, think about whether you are working with any business owners who - in this environment - are simply wondering whether they will get any return on their investment. Many are clearly asking where 'the bottom' will be.

If this is the case, and it appears as though 'outside' buyers will be absent from the marketplace for awhile, these owners should begin to consider 'internal' transfer strategies for their eventual exit.

Just like 'buying bonds' was not as exciting as stock purchases, the end result was that this alternative approach - when measured correctly - had a better chance of getting many investors to their goals.

I believe that this analogy rings true for today's exit planning marketplace. Where most advisors, since 2003, were focused on the 'outside' sale of a business (i.e. to an industry buyer or to a private equity group), today's exit planners need to be proficient in 'internal' transfer strategies as well. There are strong comparisons between 'external' and 'internal' transfers and 'stock' and 'bond' markets, let me explain.

Stock investments carry a bit more risk, but potential for a greater return. 'External' transfers - i.e. sales to outsiders - carry the same dynamics . . . finding a buyer, getting financing, negotiating the transaction, and navigating the legal agreements and tax provisions. If you can do all of this, the sales price (i.e. the return) can be greater. But today's environment makes these transactions more difficult than in the past.

By contrast, bond investments carry a bit less risk (at least they did before the sub-prime mess tainted much of the fixed-income marketplace). In any event, bonds are less volatile and have a more predictale return to the investor. And, most importantly, if bond investing gets an investor to their goals, then the question becomes 'why take the extra risk'? 'Internal' transfers - i.e. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), Management Buyouts, and Gifting Programs are similar to bond investing-in this scenario. There can be more control over the transfer and, if the owner can be assured that an 'internal' transfer will get them to their goals, then - like bond investing - why take the additional risk?

So, the rise of internal transfer strategies is likely to be with exit strategy planners for quite some time. With the credit crunch continuing to restrict access to capital, and buyers becoming more cautious about preserving their profitability, rather than expanding through acquisition, the marketplace for exiting owners to sell to 'outsiders' may remain considerably depressed for some time. Therefore, given the sheer number of Baby Boomer who need to begin planning their exits to protect their illiquid wealth, it makes a lot of sense to talk to these owners about 'buying bonds' - or, in this case, examining an internal transfer.

We will be covering internal transfers in depth at Pinnacle's 2-day Workshop in Las Vegas next month. Feel free to join us - and enjoy a FREE month of Membership until that point in time.

And be sure to join us for our preview call with special guest Bill Losey to hear more about how we will also focus your advisory practice on getting and staying in front of these exiting business owners.

Click here to register for our Workshop Preview Call, with speical guest Bill Losey, Wed Feb 11 at 3pm EST.

Specializing in Business Exit Strategies, John M. Leonetti, Esq., M.S. Finance, CM&AA founded Pinnacle Equity Solutions to provide exit strategy planning services to business owners as well as education and training programs for professional advisors. To learn more about John's Exit Strategy Services and his recently published book, "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth", visit

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Best Question I Have Been Asked in a Long Time

As many of you know, the past 5 to 6 weeks of newsletters have been filled with important coaching information to provide assistance with growing your business in this troubled economy. The significance of these newsletters comes in the ability to impact you at a level that is meaningful and keeps you focused on moving your business forward.

I want to continue that trend today by sharing with you the answer to the best question that I have been asked in a long time - "What have I learned as an entrepreneur that I wish I knew a long time ago?"

The insightful interviewer who asked me this question gave me an opportunity to drive the point home in my own mind. As I spoke to him with true conviction, I realized how strongly I believed the words that I was speaking. What I told the interviewer was - What I wish I knew long ago is that business is about understanding the power behind the concept of 'giving' instead of 'getting' in every business endeavor.

I followed up that statement with some immediate details so as not to sound too charitable or too soft in my approach to business. I elaborated on the fact that, for many years, I approached business with the idea that if I 'got' something - i.e. a law degree, a master's degree, a CFP designation, and so on, that I would be better qualified to go into the marketplace to 'get' what I wanted - success in business. Looking back on the hours that I spent 'getting' those things I realize that my mindset was driven by the wrong intentions. Once I learned that I would be paid for the value of what I 'gave' to the marketplace, then I would truly be on my way to success. Let me explain further.

I speak to and coach many advisors who are wondering, in this environment, how they are going to 'get' the business that they need in these market conditions. I've been in that place for many, many years. It is a place that says I need to work more hours, call more people, better utilize my resources, and stretch each dollar to make it more efficient to my end goal - 'getting' the business that I need.

I too followed only this path for a long time. And, when I achieved some success, what did I do? I attributed it to my hard work, dedication, determination, etc. . . and went right back to that mindset thinking Great, let me now go 'get' the next one. But those wins were hard-fought and required constant maintenance and the mindset was actually making my job and life much more difficult than it needed to be.

The greatest lesson that I have learned in my entrepreneurial career therefore was how to change that mindset and begin the day with a different question - What do I have to give to my clients, prospects, business owners, and coaching students today? I began to see business from a different perspective . . . from the client's perspective. What did this person value in our relationship? Why did they choose to do business with me? Was it because I am an attorney? Was it because I had certain designations? Partly 'yes' - that helped establish a threshold of competence that permitted the conversation to commence at a professional level. However, the reasoning was far from complete.

What the client wanted was their problem solved. What I had to give them was a solution. What I had to give them was peace of mind. What I had to give them was my time and ability to communicate with them in a manner that they valued because it reinforced that solution and peace of mind.

Does this sound too esoteric? Does it sound like a soft way of doing business?

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am a bit of the first, and very little of the second. I construct boundaries and conditions with whom and in what manner I conduct my business. I do this because I reserve my energy for those who are ready to accept what I have come to understand what I have to give . . . and I generally take a pass on the rest. I don't spend my days trying to 'get'. I spend my days trying to identify those to whom I can creatively deliver the solutions that I have to provide. And, since I know the value of what I have to 'give', I charge accordingly (although I do provide quite a bit of information - i.e. this newsletter - without charging - but I still 'get' something far more important than money - more on this later).

'Getting' therefore begins from a place of weakness. It begins from a place of asking yourself What more do I have to do to 'get' this client, contract, account paperwork signed, etc. . . The barriers break down, the client controls the relationship (because they only value you for what you are willing to compromise - mostly in price - to get you to work for them) and, at the same time that you 'get' what you thought you were looking for, you plant the seeds for potentially getting something worse. That is why people often say that you want to be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

So 'giving' is about making yourself available to do business a certain way. It is a far more powerful way to go into a prospective engagement.

And, to avoid being too esoteric, let me relate this to exit strategy planning and making money. Ask yourself, Are you trying to simply 'get' the next business owner to meet with you and engage your exit strategy planning services? Is that the mindset that you carry with you into that meeting? Or, are you truly listening to this business owner's concerns and realizing that you are the only person on the planet who can 'give' them what they need - predictability and direction around this niched, specialty practice area - exit strategy planning.

When you truly understand the value of what you bring to a relationship and when you know that you carry the solutions that can free this person from their current problem, then you too will have arrived at the place that changed the way that I currently [try to] do most of my business (after all, we all sometimes slip into old habits that can be hard to break) You will know that 'giving' to these business owners in need is far more powerful than trying to 'get' from them what you need. Many advisors are already at this place - far many more can use this as a guide through this tough economic time.

Remember, 'giving' is not charity (although giving to charitable causes is a pretty good thing to do as well). 'Giving' is not working for free. And, most importantly, 'giving' is not 'giving in' - far from it. 'Giving' is empowering your thoughts and actions with the Truth, that you can solve this client's problem for them if they will only meet you with the monetary requirements that you have to make your business together hold the integrity that is required in any relationship where both parties benefit. You 'get' to cash that engagement check when you realize that what you 'give' has more value than something as commoditized as money.

This is the answer to one of the best questions that I have been asked in a very long time. It is the perspective that continues to drive me forward with my Pinnacle business today. Did I 'give' you something to think about that may change the way you reach your goals in 2009? Did I do this wondering what I will 'get' from it? No - this is a free newsletter. But, I do 'get' the opportunity to further our relationship together and, that, my friends, is sometimes the best that you can ask of the person with whom you are communicating - not everyone is ready to step forward today to further their education or accept what you have to give. But that does not even register on my 'scoreboard' because I know that 'giving' this message today - in this marketplace - will make a difference. Take this same conviction with you on your next meeting with a business owner - then re-read this newsletter and do it again and again. You will be amazed at the big difference that this little shift makes.

As always, I wish you well and look forward to helping you reach your goals in 2009.

Specializing in Business Exit Strategies, John M. Leonetti, Esq., M.S. Finance, CM&AA founded Pinnacle Equity Solutions to provide exit strategy planning services to business owners as well as education and training programs for professional advisors. To learn more about John's Exit Strategy Services and his recently published book, "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth", visit

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is a Dreaming Room and

A business starts as a dream.

Dreams eminate from our imagination - the greatest gift that we are given as Entrepreneurs.

How do we build these dreams and put them in an environment to grow and blossom ?

Well, going into a Dreaming Room is one great way to jump-start (or start anew) your practice in 2009.

My friend and mentor, Michael Gerber, has created such an environment to allow the creative juices within every entrepreneur to flow. His Dreaming Room is a one-of-a-kind experience that I participated in last summer.

Now Michael knows that, at the time, I was more interested in getting his endorsement for my Exiting Your Business book than learning how to Dream - that was my motivation to attend his presentation. However, as life would have it, I was pleasantly surprised when I went through the Dreaming Room exercise to see that I could detail and expand the vision that I had at the time for this exit planning business.

I showed Michael a vision that I had of being on national television, telling the story to millions of business owners and advisors and having them appreciate the importance of this critical area of planning for business owners. In this entrepreneurial dream, I saw myself being interviewed on the topic in a way that would literally create a market for this new concept.

As many of my readers know, the reality of that dream came to fruition last month as ABC News interviewed me on this topic. That broadcast reached more than 44 million people. And once again last week when I was interviewed live on New England Cable News (NECN). Click here to check it out!

Exactly as I had envisioned it in the Dreaming Room, this experience manifested in real life.

Specializing in Business Exit Strategies, John M. Leonetti, Esq., M.S. Finance, CM&AA founded Pinnacle Equity Solutions to provide exit strategy planning services to business owners as well as education and training programs for professional advisors. To learn more about John's Exit Strategy Services and his recently published book, "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth", visit

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jumping into your Goals

Why have I been 'pounding the table' so much on goal setting for this year?

Well, as my coaching students often tell me, the goals that we set together always seem beyond their reach. I quickly agree and remind each student that setting true goals - aspirational goals - requires a new way of thinking. If you are a part of the exit planning business, you are a pioneer and you need to align your thinking and actions with the potential for this business. And it is still the beginning of the year with plenty of time to set a firm agenda for 2009.

One thing that Pinnacle does better than anyone else in the world is help our Members set and reach their exit planning goals. We do this because we have a unique product - exit strategy planning - and, as we are repeatedly told, we have the right mix of skills and experience, both in content as well as in marketing and selling, to assist you in driving new client acquisition in your practice.

Many advisors ask how I did what I did in 2008 with the growth of Pinnacle as well as the publication of Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth. Let me begin by asking you a few important questions:

Are you thinking that the economy is going to slow you down from hitting your goals?

Does the bad news on the TV, in the papers and online reports impact how you feel about the prospect for your business in 2009?

Do you empathize so strongly with the current employment and recession statistics that you feel like you simply want to survive 2009 and 'ride this thing out'?

Well, once I had the techniques and the mindset to see and work through these 'challenges', I tapped into an energy that kept me going right through the troubles of last year and, with a strong wind at Pinnacle's back this year, we know that a quantum leap is already happening both for us and our coaching clients.

What got me going and kept me going? I started to think and see things differently. That is what I am passionate about sharing with those who are looking for similar results in 2009.

Click here to see how I made a leap towards my goals last year - enjoy:

Specializing in Business Exit Strategies, John M. Leonetti, Esq., M.S. Finance, CM&AA founded Pinnacle Equity Solutions to provide exit strategy planning services to business owners as well as education and training programs for professional advisors. To learn more about John's Exit Strategy Services and his recently published book, "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth", visit